MBIE's goal is to create a resilient and high-performing economy that delivers real and ongoing quality of life for all New Zealanders.
We do this by working with others to create an environment that supports businesses to be more productive and internationally competitive, enables all New Zealanders to participate in the economy through improved job opportunities and by working to ensure quality housing is more affordable.
People are at the heart of our mahi, our way of working is guided by our values which shape our behaviours.
- Mahi Tahi - Better Together
- Maia - Bold and brave
- Pae Kahurangi - Build our Future
- Pono Me Te Tika - Own It
Our aspirations are echoed in our Maori identity - Hikina Whakatutuki - which broadly means `lifting to make successful'.
MBIE recognises the partnership founded under Te Tiriti o Waitangi between Maori and the Crown and is committed to giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We will do this through enduring, meaningful and effective partnerships with iwi, Maori, other Maori groups/organisations and the Crown, as this is critical to enable economic and social development, both for Maori and for wider Aotearoa New Zealand. We are committed to continuing to partner with iwi in order to find new sustainable solutions to address long standing systemic and cross-cutting issues facing Maori and wider Aotearoa New Zealand and we are also committed to identifying opportunities for iwi to lead and creating an enabling environment for iwi to leverage these opportunities.
E mohio ana a Hikina Whakatutuki i puea ake te kotuinga I waenganui i a ngai Maori me te Karauna i Te Tiriti o Waitangi, a, kei te whai ia ki te whakau ake i Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Ma te whai kiko o nga kotuinga ahungaroa o ngai wi, o ngai Maori, me etahi atu ropu Maori ki te Karauna, katutuki tenei. He ahuatanga nui tenei e ahei ai nga mahi whanaketanga a-ohanga, a-papori hoki ki a ngai Maori me Aotearoa whanui. E whai tonu ana matou ki te kotui atu ki nga iwi mo te rapu huarahi hou ki te whakaara i nga kaupapakua roa nei e tami ana i a ngai Maori me Aotearoa whanui, a, e whai ana hoki ki te tautohu i nga aheinga kokiritanga ma nga iwi, me te tautoko i nga iwi kia whai mana ake ai enei aheinga.